
The Advantages of Using a Sitecore CMS for Your Business’ Developers and Marketers

A content management system (CMS) has the potential to revolutionize your website. If you pick the right system, you can take your digital presence to the next level. Investing in a CMS can be one of the best decisions for your business.

You probably know that CMS gives you the chance to maintain your website, easily update the content, and so on. But it does much more than that. It has the potential to adapt your site and implement the latest digital marketing trends on it, ensuring you continue to drive traffic and provide the best user experience.

CMS is the backbone of a website, therefore, you want to go with one that gives you complete management access and is easy to use. Sitecore does just that and much more. Let’s look at the advantages of the CMS from both a developer and marketer perspective.

A developer’s perspective

Sitecore is one of the most comprehensive CMS available to date which offers developers the following benefits:

  • Quick and easy deployment: Sitecore makes coding easy and that too across the website. Development is much quicker on the architecture of the CMS.
  • Easy integration: Sitecore can easily integrate with other platforms including customer relationship management such as Salesforce. Developers don’t have to spend too much time with the integration while businesses can manage their clients with ease.
  • Leaves room for growth: As a business website grows, it will require the addition of different features and tools. Sitecore continues to evolve and makes it easy for developers to add plugins and extensions so the site grows along with the business.
  • Design and content are separate: The CMS allows developers to keep the design and content separate, which enhances content delivery. You can easily manage the content without fiddling with the design of the website. Making the website easily scalable and improving user experience on it.
  • Faster development: Developers no longer have to fiddle too much with coding. The platform is compatible with many external tools such as Visual Studio which reduces errors and increases time spent on deployment. It also supports the functionality of other projects giving developers the option to import and reuse codes from different sites.
  • Fully customizable: The CMS platform is fully customizable, developers can override or extend the web.config. This gives them complete freedom.

With the right development team, Sitecore can be the ultimate CMS that will offer customers top-class features and a user experience like no other. The best part is, developers can continue to upgrade the website incorporating the latest trends as they come.

A marketer’s perspective

For marketers, Sitecore can help enhance their marketing strategy. This is how:

  • Immediate personalization: Providing visitors with a personalized experience increases interest and engagement. The CMS gives marketers the option to set messages and information for visitors based on various conditions. Therefore, when a visitor comes meeting certain conditions, the site will display information accordingly.
  • Allows for multiple marketing channels: Sitecore has an E-mail Exchange Manager (EXM) and Social Connector module which gives marketers the option to re-use their content in other marketing channels. The tools are great for data collection and analysis, providing insights on aspects such as customer engagement.
  • Automate marketing: The EXM is easy to use and can automate your email process. You can schedule emails with reusable content to be sent to your client base. This saves marketers a lot of time.
  • Enhanced digital asset management: Sitecore has an AI that can make managing your digital content easy. For example, the AI can scavenge through images on the internet and pick the best options based on your content. This eliminates marketers from having to go through hundreds of images to pick one or two. The AI also suggests new ways to repurpose content, so you have a way to keep engaging your client base.
  • Creates a content hub: Not only can you change the content on your website but also drive an email and social media campaign with the help of Sitecore with multi-channel marketing tools. Your site will be the hub for all your content, ensuring that all your marketing material relays the same message.

Sitecore will enhance a business’ marketing strategy, no matter what it is. It easily integrates with different marketing tools and has plenty of its own. It also gives access to data useful to marketers to adapt content and marketing approach.

Final thought

Sitecore is one of the more comprehensive CMS in the market today. As you can see from its advantages, it has a lot to offer a business. The best part is, it keeps your IT and marketing departments in line with one another. This will prove to be one of the biggest advantages since both departments work together to ensure the site is user-friendly and successful.

Find a website design Dubai company that can work with SiteCore and take your business to heights you’ve always dreamed of achieving.

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